Announcing our new members

The Communities Delegation to the Board of the Global Fund is delighted to announce the newest members who have joined the delegation. Our delegation is made up of a group of individuals living with HIV, and affected by TB and malaria working on Global Fund-related issues from around the world. We work closely on policy and advocacy at Committee and Board levels and are committed to being accountable to the constituencies that we represent. The work of the Communities Delegation is coordinated by a leadership consisting of the Board Member and Alternate Board Member; who formally represent the Delegation to the Global Fund Board.  Please welcome our newest members appointed:

Call For Membership to the Communities Delegation to the Board of the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria

The closing date for this call has now passed. The Communities Delegation to the Board of The Global Fund is currently inviting applications for membership from people living with HIV, and affected by Tuberculosis or Malaria. The selection process strives to achieve a balanced and representative Delegation with strong consideration for the following criteria: Closing date for applications: Thursday 10th  June 2024 at 6 pm CET. Operating Language: The operating language of the Global Fund is English; thus, the operating language of the Communities Delegation is English. It is therefore a key requirement that Delegates are fully able to communicate clearly in both written and spoken English. Selection Criteria Membership of the Communities Delegation is on an individual basis. To be eligible, the individual must meet the following criteria: Roles and Responsibilities Members of the Communities Delegation are expected to work closely with the leadership and will work primarily through email and conference calls. The primary role of all delegation members is to provide support and advice to the leadership. Members of the Communities Delegation have the following responsibilities: Checklist      We  especially encourage applications from  Applications without all requested documentation will be automatically disqualified. Incomplete applications and those received after the deadline will not be considered.  Closing date for applications: Thursday 10th  June 2024 at 6 pm CET.

While governments count their money, communities count their dead

New York, 21st of September 2022 Our delegation would like to express our profound sorrow with the outcome of the Global Fund 7th replenishment process. Our target for this resource mobilisation cycle was at least $18 billion, and to date, we have only been able to secure approximately $14.25 billion. We feel ashamed that we have failed our communities whose lives depend on these resources. The Global Fund partnership approved by consensus a comprehensive investment case of at least $18 billion to achieve our bold and ambitious new strategy to save an additional 20 million lives in the next three years. Today, some of our partners have shown a lack of commitment toward a process that we all began together.Our individual efforts are vital for the success of the entire partnership. Collectively we agreed to reach at least US$ 18 billion, but only some donors have fulfilled the expectation to increase their contributions by 30%.As the Global Fund Board, we should not take our failure to meet the current replenishment targets lightly. This will severely impact our communities’ lives, hopes, needs and dreams.

Communities Delegation circulates new study on Access to Management Fees and Overhead for National Civil Society Principal Recipients

Monday, 7th February 2022 The Communities Delegation is circulating a new study exploring the Global Fund’s discrimination against Principal Recipients in funding policy and practice. Between November and December 2021, the Communities Delegation reviewed and analyzed the existing documentation on Global Fund policies and guidelines, surveyed more than 20 Civil Society Principal Recipients and conducted some in-depth interviews with a total of 11 Civil Society Organizations from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. One of these organizations has regional coverage and has negotiated a framework agreement with the Global Fund for access to ICR.From this research, we have been able to conclude that local civil society PRs are discriminated against by the Global Fund when compared to other PRs, leading to a negative impact on the management of the NGO during the project and on the sustainability of the organization at the end of a grant cycle. There is an urgent need for the Global Fund to correct these unfair policies and to put into practice the principles and values behind dual-track financing.

Communities Delegation to the Global Fund Board appoints Mr Javier Hourcade Bellocq as Board Member and Mr Ali Raza Khan as Alternate Board Member

Tuesday, 25th January 2022 The Communities Delegation of people living with and affected by HIV, TB and malaria (Communities Delegation) to the Global Fund Board has the pleasure to announce the appointment of Mr Javier Hourcade as the Board Member and Mr Ali Raza Khan as the Alternate Board Member. The constituency confirmed and welcomed the new leadership during its online retreat in December 2021. Javier and Ali will serve a two-year term until January 2024. We want to take the opportunity to express our deepest gratitude and admiration for our outgoing Board Member Erika Castellanos. Erika joined the Communities Delegation in 2015 and has since demonstrated an aptitude and appetite to transform and strengthen the representation of communities at the Board level. Natural from Belize, in Central America, Erika served as Alternate Board Member from 2018 to 2020. In December 2020, she became the first transgender woman to ever serve as a Board Member of the Global Fund. Erika’s integrity and unapologetic and skilful leadership have led the delegation through decisive moments. More recently, it has guaranteed that our constituency had a prominent role in shaping the next Strategy. We thank Erika immensely for the legacy she leaves as a role model of governance official, and we are delighted to retain her as a member of the delegation’s Advisory Working Group (AWG). Erika continued the outstanding leadership from Ms Maurine Murenga, former Communities Delegation Board Member, from 2018 to 2020, and current member of the AWG as well, whom …

Read more…Communities Delegation to the Global Fund Board appoints Mr Javier Hourcade Bellocq as Board Member and Mr Ali Raza Khan as Alternate Board Member

OIG REPORT: Communities Delegation Statement

Monday, 24th January 2022 In the interest of transparency and openness, we would like to share the below regarding the report the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) shared today. Unfortunately, the Communities Delegation was affected by the fraudulent activities of the former Executive Director of the International Civil Society Support (ICSS), as detailed in the report. ICSS served as the Communities Delegation Fiscal Host from 2015 to 2019. That relationship has been terminated, and since early 2020, the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) is serving as our Fiscal Host. The Communities Delegation submitted a report to the OIG as soon as we became aware of expenditure irregularities. Since the initiation of the investigation, we have given our full cooperation to the OIG and the process. We would like to express our gratitude to the entire Global Fund Office of the Inspector General team and the Legal and Governance team members with who we collaborated during the investigation. This investigation and report show the importance of the oversight function of the OIG within the Global Fund’s oversight mechanism and the importance of proper financial controls. The OIG’s work again demonstrates why the Global Fund is one of the most respected and reputable organisations, particularly for its accountability to fight the three diseases.  We are pleased that this investigation has been finalised and look forward to being able to focus on the primary functions of the delegation in 2022. For any questions, please refer to the OIG and …

Read more…OIG REPORT: Communities Delegation Statement

Last chance for Communities to reclaim the Global Fund Strategy!

After 18 months, the Global Fund’s new Strategy development process is reaching a crucial stage in approving the Strategy Narrative. Following up on our previous webinars and consultations, the Global Fund Communities Delegation and the Love Alliance have the pleasure to invite you to the below webinar

Announcing our new members!

Announcing our new members! 03.12.2020 It is with great pleasure that the Communities Delegation to the Global Fund hereby announces its new members. Abdulkadir Ibrahim, Ali Raza Khan, Aniedi Akpan, Enama Jean Paul, Irene Kapodo, Javier Hourcade Bellocq and Shreehari Acharya are experienced and passionate activists and stood out from a list of high-quality candidates. From Nigeria, Pakistan, Cameroon, Ghana, Argentina and Thailand, together they bring to the delegation extensive expertise in HIV, TB, Malaria, Key Populations, Community Engagement, UHC, SRHR, Gender Equality, and Human Rights, etc. Read more about them in the brief bios below. This year we received more than 20 applications from around the world, of which a total of 11 candidates were selected for interviews. After careful deliberation, the Advisory Working Group decided to invite 7 successful applicants to join the delegation. Among other things, this decision was based on geographic distribution, gender diversity, disease-focus and community representation. A hearty welcome to our new members! We look forward to working with you as well as learn from each other as we serve our communities.