Read our publications online
The Communities Delegation has made some of our published resources available online below. Use the buttons to download a PDF version of each resource.
Access to Management Fees and Overhead for National Civil Society Principal Recipients
December 2021
Between November and December 2021, the Communities Delegation reviewed and analyzed the existing documentation on Global Fund policies and guidelines, surveyed more than 20 Civil Society Principal Recipients and conducted some in-depth interviews with a total of 11 Civil Society Organizations from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. One of these organizations has regional coverage and has negotiated a framework agreement with the Global Fund for access to ICR.
From this research, we have been able to conclude that local civil society PRs are discriminated against by the Global Fund when compared to other PRs, leading to a negative impact on the management of the NGO during the project and on the sustainability of the organization at the end of a grant cycle. There is an urgent need for the Global Fund to correct these unfair policies and to put into practice the principles and values behind dual-track financing.
Constituency Statement – 46th Global Fund Board Meeting
8-10 November 2021
The Communities Delegation is pleased to submit a few comments for the 46th Global Fund
Board meeting. We appreciate the work of the Board and the Secretariat during the current
challenging times. COVID-19 has disrupted our way of working, and more than a year into
the pandemic, we still have not been able to achieve the right formula for meaningful
engagement in the new online working modality of the Board. We celebrate that we are
finally close to approving the narrative of the new Global Fund Strategy. We want to
acknowledge the input of the communities living with and affected by HIV, TB and malaria,
Board members and the outstanding work of the Secretariat during this process.
Equity Matters – Discussion Paper on the Global Fund’s Disease Split, Eligibility Criteria, and Allocation Methodology
1 July 2021 for the 16th Strategy Committee meeting
Year 2001 saw the birth of a new partnership that has rewritten the history of global health, uniting world leaders, communities, civil society, health workers and the private sector in solidarity to end AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Twenty years in, the partnership is estimated to have saved 38 billion lives nearly halving the number of deaths caused by AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. Yet, none of the Global Plan targets for the three diseases have been met and equity remains a major issue for communities living with and affected by all three diseases. Inequalities are driving all three epidemics, and the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened these three crises. The broad and inclusive consultations that informed the development of the new Global Fund Strategy highlighted the urgent need to ensure access to health services for those most marginalized in every country.
The Global Disease Split, Eligibility policy, Catalytic Investments and the Allocation Methodology, together are the tools used to invest to reduce these barriers and gaps sustainably and equitably. Decisions made will have a tremendous impact on the lives of persons living with or affected by the three diseases and on the impact of Global Fund investments and can help to ensure that no one is left behind.
The Communities Delegation, through this discussion paper, aims to provide a ‘reality check’, bringing the voices of those living with and affected by the three diseases to the Strategy Committee and the Board deliberations. It is based on desk review and analysis of relevant policies, previous position papers, Secretariat presentations to the Strategy Committee, and information from technical agencies. On-line consultations included semi-structured interviews with technical agencies, various constituencies, SC and Board members, community representatives and Global Fund staff.
Global Fund 45th Board Meeting Constituency Statement
9 May 2021
The Global Fund Board is amidst developing its new strategy which will define how we work, where we work, and what we work on in the upcoming years. We should not take our decisions lightly. Ultimately, our decisions translate to life or death to our communities on the ground.
Coming from the memories of our loved ones that have perished to HTM, and from our lived expertise of people living with HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, the development of the new strategy is a priority for our delegation. It is long overdue that Communities are given the leadership role in addressing HTM. Our voices, expertise, knowledge, technical capacity and unique lived experience must be recognized and valued as an equal partner in designing and implementing the next strategy.
Mission Critical – Discussion paper on the future role and remit of the Global Fund
24 March 2021
Produced in partnership with GNP+ and Aidsfonds.
Policy and Procedures Handbook
December 2020
This Handbook lays out the Communities Delegation’s governance framework and defines effective internal ways of working of the Communities Delegation. It consolidates in one place the Delegation’s internal procedures and includes Terms of Reference and Performance review processes for Communities Delegation members and its leadership alongside Conflict of Interest policy. It further allows incoming and existing Delegation Members to understand their important role in participating and contributing effectively to discussions and decision-making processes of the Communities Delegation to the Board of the Global Fund.
Full Report of Community Consultations of the Communities Delegation on the New Global Fund Strategy
10 November 2020
The Delegation of Communities Living with HIV and Affected by Tuberculosis or Malaria to the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has prepared a Full Report of Community Consultations of the Communities Delegation on the new Global Fund Strategy.
Position paper on the Development of Global Fund Strategy 2023 – 2030 Position paper on the Development of Global Fund strategy 2023 – 2030 for the 14th Strategy Committee Meeting
2 October 2020
Following consultations with its constituents, the Delegation of Communities Living with HIV and Affected by Tuberculosis or Malaria to the board of the Global fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is pleased to provide input on the development of the Global Fund Strategy for 2023-30.
Development of Global Fund Strategy for 2023-30
12 May 2020
The Delegation of Communities Living with HIV and Affected by Tuberculosis or Malaria to the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria welcomes the opportunity to provide initial input on the development of the Global Fund Strategy for 2023-30. A statement on this policy development has been prepared.